EMS Professional Services Catalog
Professional Services Catalog
At Sansio, it is our goal to support emergency responders in delivering the best patient care possible. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to reaching that goal every day by providing exceptional customer services.
Explore the Catalog of Professional Services offered to Sansio HealthEMS users. Interested in learning more about these services? Complete a contact form below and a Sansio team member will reach out directly.
Training and Consulting
ePCR Optimization Training
A la carte packaged training sessions designed to optimize use of HealthEMS. Available training packages: Powerfields, Scenarios, Validations, Narratives
NEMSIS Assessment
A NEMSIS subject matter expert will assess your data for NEMSIS compliance and provide a report detailing updates the agency needs to complete to be more compliant with your state requirements.
NEMSIS Full Support Transition Package
A NEMSIS subject matter export will assess your data for NEMSIS compliance and work with you to fully transition your data to meet current compliance standards.
System Administrator (Super User) Training
Designed for administrative users in a new role or for those needing refresher training. Training includes HealthEMS overview, Application Settings and MobileTouch setup review, eRecords, QA and Billing review, State Validations errors and Advanced Functionality, agency specific process and post-training questions.
System Health Check
An experienced Project Manager will review your setup tables, integrations, exports/errors and extensions and assess opportunities to optimize your setup. Links to tools for self-help or the option to further engage with a subject matter expert will be provided.
Exports and Integrations
Sansio integrates with many vendors to provide our customers with numerous options when selecting CAD, Billing, data reporting, and EMR integration partners. Review a list of companies that Sansio has successfully integrated with to provide a seamless experience for our customers
Billing Export
Integrated web service to export customer patient billing data securely from HealthEMS to designated billing partner.
Requirements: Pre-implementation completed to evaluate request and establish Professional Services Engagement for customer sign off.
CAD Integration
Automatically populate CAD data into the ePCR adding efficiency to crew documentation. Offerings include option of CAD Xchanger Database, CAD Xchanger XML or XML (no CAD Xchanger).
Requirements: Implementation Profile and CAD Field Information (completed by Vendor) are required to evaluate request and establish Professional Services Engagement for customer sign off.
CARES Export
Export to CARES (Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) database.
Requirements: Must first contact the CARES registry to complete the enrollment process.
ECG Integration
Import vital sign data and attach waveform images from a heart monitor into the patient’s ePCR in MobileTouch.
Requirements: Available with Stryker, Philips, and Zoll monitors.
myPatient Encounters
Allow others outside of HealthEMS to securely access designated patient records.
Custom Work and Configurations
PCR Modification
Modify * existing ePCR form and system functionality to meet customer documentation requirements falling outside the standard ePCR. Service includes requirements discovery, review of branches, dispositions, scenarios, addition of validation rules, installation on dedicated devices, update to billing and State exports, report updates, post implementation follow up.
*Modifications are based on current functionality only. Development outside of current functionality not included.
Requirements: Fifteen-minute discovery call is required to evaluate request and establish Professional Services Engagement for customer sign off.
Custom Queries and Reports
Customized reports based on agency data.
Change Requests
Updates or changes to established integrations as requested by the customer.