Sansio Data Xchange (SDX)
Secure Health Data Exchange
Choose what works best for your agency

Send and Share Reports with SDX
Sansio understands that not every EMS or hospital system has access to the same technological capabilities to receive ePCR’s. That’s why we have developed Sansio Data Xchange (SDX), which offers providers options in an electronic data delivery system that meets the needs of both the agency and the transport destination.
SDX Standard
Delivers the ePCR directly into the patient’s record in the receiving destination’s Electronic Health Record system via Direct Messaging.
XER, formally XChangER, is a proprietary application that electronically delivers the patient care report to the receiving destination where it can be printed or downloaded and saved manually to the patient’s chart. XER can also be used as a status board to alert staff to incoming patients and provide vital patient information prior to arrival.
Delivers that patient care report to the receiving destination via fax.
SDX Premium and SDX Premium Plus
Check back as enhanced delivery and patient information features are in development and will be available soon!
Customize your charting experience
Our team is trained and ready and help your agency get the most out of your HealthEMS experience. When it's time for your agency to learn more about utilizing our all-in-one ePCR solution and advanced sharing features, our team will be there.